transforms retailers into media owners

your store is the media

Retail stores have are the most valuable media in the world! Decisions & purchases are made here. Template.Media was created for retailers to fully express their own powers of persuasion. Equally significant, is the expansional revenue it earns. We have developed fully integrated, digital media templates that your marketing team can build in-house. Create amazing messaging platforms and marketing campaigns that can scale as far as your network reaches.

the templates for success

e-commerce technology for b&M retail

Template.Media’s tech empowers retailers to transition from established in-store marketing to full end-to-end digital at their own pace. Our templates support manual, hybrid & programmatic media placement, so humans still control the look & feel. This allows retailers to unify onmimedia campaigns, finding the sweet spot between automated messaging and personal interaction.

Manual Programming: Uploading music, identity, messaging & ads manually into formatted, 1 hour blocks and dragging into the daily/weekly schedule.

Hybrid Programming: Starting from a manual program, add AI features like POS integration to measure ad performance and location specific messaging.

Full Programmatic: Tap into every available digital media resource through the retailer’s VAST tag. This includes: programmatic advertising, automatic creative automation (ACO), personalized AI ad generation, POS data gathering for digital media campaign analysis.

we have powerful connections

Programatic Ads / We connect the experience of audio advertising with the precision targeting and measurement of digital marketing with the largest audio publishers and networks such as Spotify.

AI POS Integration / Veritone Attribute is for retailers to track the performance of in-store ads to value media spend with POS verified data. Correlate ads with real time sales, in visualized, easily shareable reports.

Programatic Ads / GoWit offers omnichannel Retail Media Advertising platform for multi-brand retailers, marketplaces and groceries to enhance monetization and extend customer reach across channels.

AI Messaging / Let Instreamatic handle everything, from AI driven ad creation to delivery and optimization, our turnkey service simplifies your ad strategy, optimizing ROI, minimizing production costs and time.

Programatic Ads / Criteo harnesses the power of commerce media to maximize publisher CPMs, amplify advertiser outcomes, and unlock the true value of retailer shopper data.

Programatic Ads / Partnering with superior traffic publishers means getting exceptional quality ad serving and increasing profit. We monitor all metrics closely to guarantee that they meet quality standards.


  • We create fully integrated media platform templates for retailers, brands & agencies. These templates are cloud-based and each focuses on a specific media objective. The client has full control of uploading and programing content.

  • We created Template.Media for brick & mortar businesses to control the transition to 100% digital onmimedia across every platform. This can apply to all retailers, hotels, financial, sports, wellness & exhibition centers.

  • Set up an account, choose a template and subscribe. The first 14 days are free, so the template can be programmed and tested. If the template is not performing as expected, the full month refund is issued. For template messaging platforms, such as Radio and Video, the subscription will be automatically recurring. Marketing campaigns vary in duration based on the client's campaign.

  • Currently, most retailers are running onmimedia channels for all their advertising and promotion. However, their brick & mortar operations (approximately 80% of sales) are still analog and do not support end-to-end digital marketing solutions. Template.Media bridges the digital gap with an AI attribution software, linking the digital media directly to the POS system for realtime, in-store data analytics. This sets an accurate value for each location and the retail network.

  • The activation of all Template.Media is strictly within the premises of the retail location. The messaging (Radio & Video) templates are broadcast only within the boundaries set by geolocation. Campaigns are all shared by incentivized customers in-store using social media to promote brand launches, special offers, specialty items, etc.

  • Our templates are like moving into an empty house. There are walls, rooms & utilities but no content. We supply the location for all the elements to be uploaded and organized into the template. This is technically easy but choosing or creating content takes skill. Either a professional marketing department or an agency will get the best results. Also, connecting with 3rd party tech for programmatic ad placement, data analytics and AI modeling will deliver spectacular results, for both accurate messaging and revenue generation.

  • We price monthly messaging platform subscriptions (Radio & Video) at US $249 for the central hub location and $99 for each additional location, using the same programming.

  • We offer low, flat subscription fees for each template. The ability to monetize depends  on the location’s metrics and how effective the programming proves to be. Our templates can be programmed manually or programmatically. To know more check out our video: Monetize Your Voice

  • No. All of our templates are web-based and are compatible on any browser. The Retail Video, Retail Radio & Club Radio templates work best with a dedicated player or tablet running a free VLC app.

    Please Note: We only provide templates. Any hardware such as audio systems, video screens should be sourced independently.

  • Yes. Our templates are designed for all 3rd party programmatic advertising and personalized AI messaging. This requires the client to register for a VAST tag, which allows the template to receive, schedule & play programmatic content.

    Please Note: Some markets have more extensive programmatic advertising inventory. Currently the majority of programmatic ads are made for e-commerce and digital publishing. Of course, we expect the B&M retail media will open up when DSP and exchanges become quickly aware of the growing market.

  • Yes. The scale is unlimited. One template can be used across regions or globally using the same programming. Using personalized AI messaging in multiple languages, the brand identity can remain global while being locally relevant.

  • Yes. If you want to to run a store wide campaign using audio synced to the video displays, both templates can be manually synced by programming the schedules to play at the same time. It would also be possible to connect the Retail Video and Radio Audio to the POS for the data analysis on the combined impact of a synced audio/video campaign.