“We transform retailers into media owners.”

Your shop is the most powerful media in the world.

That’s where 82% of buying decisions are made. 62% of shoppers make impulse buys when shopping for planned items. 16% of unplanned purchases are driven by promotions.

In-Shop.Media was created to influence buying exactly where & when most shoppers make their decision.

Future-proof Technology

  • End-to-End Digital

    We are the first retail media to offer a true end-to-end, real time digital connection. No more relying on eyeballs or impressions.

  • Programmatic Ads

    Because our tech can make any shop fully digital, we can offer the same programmatic ads found on e-commerce websites & apps.

  • Endless Scalability

    Our media platform is engineered to perform across an unlimited number of locations, so more shops equal higher media revenue.

  • Audio/Video Sync

    Sync audio with video for a multimedia ad burst. This is the perfect mini-event to grab attention across all shops in the network.

What is it? Why should I bother? How much does it cost?

We have noticed that a lot of retail shops play music. That’s great, but it’s also a prime, unused media space, which is not earning anything! We’ve change that.

  • Retail Radio gives every retailer the music customers love combined with ads that sell more products and bring in extra revenue. The air across the shop is now a highly profitable media selling space.

  • There is no bother at all! In-Shop.Media does everything! We book the media, create the content, program the radio. This is a fully turn-key and transparent operation.

  • In-Shop.Media is free! We don’t charge anything. In fact, we pay the retailer by splitting the media profit. So, its basically free revenue produced out of thin air.

How can anything this amazing be free?

There’s an easy answer. We all want the same thing. Retailers want to sell more inventory and increase revenue. Brands want to reach customers where the buying decisions are made. As a media company, our business is to find the most direct path to influence and persuade consumers as they go about their daily life.

In-Shop.Media views retailers and brands as our partners. We work together transparently. Because we do not need money from retailers to do our job, we don’t ask for it. Instead we pay retailers for the work we do. It’s a different way of doing business.

Introduce your brand

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point. If you sell something, use this space to describe it in detail and tell us why we should make a purchase. Tap into your creativity. You’ve got this.