sale finder

here is the cure for bigbox-phobia

full store navigation

Those who love shopping will really enjoy Sale Finder. The rest of us, who get overwhelmed, lost & confused will find this is a game changer. Simply walk into the store, scan the code and all the sale items pop up on grid. Click the products and a store map pops up, creating the most efficient route through the store bringing the shopper back to the checkout. So easy, and a new reason to come back and shop again.

sale finder delivers…

Fully Digital

Club Radio is fully digital. It connects directly to programmatic ad placement, straight through to POS generated metrics.


Managers will know, in real-time, exactly how advertising and localized AI messaging is driving sales at the register.


Our programming is extraordinary user-friendly, offering manual, programmatic and hybrid options for content management.


Low, monthly template subscription, with free DJ-mixed content means you are able to set the mood at minimal cost.


A busy venue brings spectacular media revenue. The more locations there are, the more the radio scales as profits increase.


Template.Media is a lot of fun! Get instant gratification, even using manual programing. You're up and playing in minutes.

Coming in 2025